Is Physical Therapy Worth It After An Amputation?! YES. Physical Therapy (PT) is great for amputees!

#LimbLossAwareness Frequently Asked Question: Is PT Worth It?An amputation surgery comes with lots of medical care and attention. We get it. You're tired of going to doctors appointments and you aren't really sure if you want to go to physical therapy. Isn't it the prosthetists job how to teach you how to walk anyways? Think of it like this, your prosthetist teaches you how to utilize your leg, and they deliver you one that is custom to you and fits you like a glove. BUT your physical therapist is there to retrain your muscles and give you tools to use to recover your body after being in the hospital and not moving for a good amount of time. Your body begins to change after 2 days in a hospital bed which makes learning how to walk again even harder because all of your muscles need to be re-engaged. We think amputees are not given enough physical therapy. And if you do not feel like you are gaining value from your PT, we recommend getting a new one, but do not stop going!

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