Post-Op Amputee Alert - Guard Your Stump, Skip The Bumps!

Post-Op Amputee Alert - Guard Your Stump, Skip The Bumps! Subscribe To Our Channel For More Videos: Hey Everyone! Welcome back to our channel. Amputees, it's time to learn crucial post-surgery care! In this insightful YouTube Short, a seasoned prosthetist shares invaluable advice on protecting your stump. Forget about bulky protectors; it's all about smart, snug shrinkers right from day two. But watch your step! Falls can be major setbacks, jeopardizing healing. We talk fiberglass wraps, affordable on-the-spot solutions, and the must-have chat with your prosthetist. Whether you're navigating daily life or enjoying the beach, we've got the lowdown on keeping your recovery smooth. Don't miss these expert tips to shield your stump and accelerate healing! If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments section or contact us through social media. Thank you for your support! 🔊 LIKE ➡ SHARE ➡ SUBSCRIBE 😀 Follow/Like Us Socially 😀 ►Facebook: ►Website: #amputee #selfimprovement #motivation

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