I Fired 5 Prosthetists to Find ONE Good One | Continue to search for a good medical team | Amputee Life

Unfortunately we hear this story often, about how our patients were encouraged to go to the prosthetics and physical therapy practices that were affiliated with their hospital and instead of getting the care they felt like they deserved, they felt like another number on a waiting list of patients. It is worth it to do your own research and venture out to find a medical team that fits your needs. About Bremer Prosthetics:Your prosthetic experience is more than receiving a medical device. It is another chance at life, one where you can come back stronger.We believe that you deserve to live your life without prosthetic limitations.At Bremer Prosthetics, your success is ours. We want to make you as successful as you can be in your prosthesis and in your life when you step outside of our office.https://bremerprosthetics.com/

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